My runes oracle app analytics for December 15

My runes oracle

My runes oracle

  • Giovanni Teano
  • Apple App Store
  • Free
  • Lifestyle
The runic alphabet is an old Germano-Scandinavian symbol system, known as the “Futhark”. It consists of 24 characters. Etymologically, “rune” means “secret writing”. These characters were used to communicate with the gods and invoke their protection. Originally, runes were engraved on flat pebbles. They have always retained their aura of mystery and magic. Like Tarot cards, runes symbolise human beings’ destinies and pathways through life. They can be used for self-analysis or as a divining tool, serving as a means of clarification as we progress through life. The runes oracle comprises: Possibility of creating its personal page of 5 different drawings, of naming every drawing and of modifying the meaning of every position in the drawing. Customizable Definition von Runen. 6 different consultations. 6 possible languages: French, English, German, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese. The option of choosing a consultation with or without the 25th rune (Wird). Memorisation of each consultation.
My runes oracle

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December 15, 2024