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- Lil' Clock Vs. Moji Kello
Lil' Clock vs Moji Kello Usage & Stats
Lil' Clock is a fun app that helps your child learn how to tell time in an enjoyable way.
Lil' Clock teaches through simple exercises what it means when the clock is on the hour, half-past, as well as quarter to or past.
The game is available in English and Finnish, and it does not require reading or writing skills for the exercises. The learning environment is encouraging, playful and stress-free.
The app includes a parents' section where you can adjust the game to suit your child's needs. For example, you can add minutes to the clock face to make gameplay easier.
For the English version, the adult can choose between the preferred way time is spoken out loud: numbers + hours, past & to, after & 'til, quarters, and more.
Lil' Clock is an app specifically designed for young children. It is absolutely child-safe in both its atmosphere and content, making it suitable for all kids. This means:
- No advertisements
- No in-app purchases
- No data collection
- No need for an internet connection
Lil' Clock is made in Finland, the land of high-quality education. The creators have extensive experience in children's games, data security, and app development, and are parents themselves.
The game is published by the Viihdevintiöt media, which, for over a decade, has been reviewing educational children's games and covering the safety of children's games in Finland: www.viihdevintiot.com
The technical implementation of the game is handled by: www.planetjone.com
- Apple App Store
- Paid
- Education
Store Rank
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Moji kello on opetuspeli lapsille jotka opettelevat kellonaikoja. Helppo ja tehokas pedagogiikka opettavat kellon käyttöä apunaan innostavat grafiikat ja äänet. Applikaation on yksinkertainen ja tarjoaa useita eri vaihtoehtoja ja vaikeustasoja.
Lapsi voi:
kuulla kellonajat ääneenluettuna
opetella kellonkäyttöä vetämällä viisarit oikeaan aikaan ja saada palautetta
edistyä eri pelitasoille
opiskella monipuolisesti miellyttävän grafiikan ja animaation avoin
Pelistä löytyy useita erikielisiä versioita joten kelloa voi myös opetella vierailla kielillä.
- Apple App Store
- Paid
- Education
Store Rank
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December 14, 2024