A unique train app called Live Train - Where Is My Train offers timetables and real-time train information. Find the location of your train and your live National Train Enquiry System (NTES) operational status by checking your PNR status.
Ordering IRCTC train tickets, checking your PNR status, learning about your live NTES running status, locating your train, checking the status of your train even without an internet connection, and viewing the Indian Railways train schedule are all made simple.
Check your PNR status and the possibility of a confirmation to estimate your odds of getting the tickets on your waiting confirmed.
The top Indian railway app for receiving updates about trains in real time. See if your train is running on schedule or late. The in-app GPS feature provides you with information on the estimated train arrival times (ETA) for upcoming stops. Passengers can view the location of the train in real time by inputting the train name or number.
All information on Indian Railways is presented in the most straightforward and effective way possible by this user-friendly app. Its train database is the most complete and current and contains all reserved, unreserved, and sub-urban trains.
Dynamic connections from the app allow you to share real-time train status, timetables, and schedules between two stations; the app will display the most recent information as soon as it is received.
The train app includes an offline version of the Indian Railways timetable.
Since our Smart search tool lets you use train source and destination or partial train names, even if they have spelling errors, you do not need to know train numbers or names.
Discover the location of the carriage and your seat/berth before boarding the train. Additionally, it displays the platform numbers for available boarding and intermediate stations.
You can look up your train’s details, the most recent timetable, trains between stations, and the status of any train in off-line mode.
Some of the features of our application:
Live train status, schedules, station information, and PNR query
- Indian Railway Train Information
- Check the status of PNRs and seat availability
- Track Wait additionally displayed the PNR status
- Live Train Running Status and a Map
- All trains, both reserved and unreserved, between two stations are looked up
- Check out all train schedules using the save feature
- Check the Trains between Two Stations
- Get Facility Details for Current Reservations
- Verify any diverted railroads and cancelled trains
- Check the Seat Map and the Fare
- Updated PNR station list information can be found here
- Check here for information about rescheduled trains
- Check the status of your PNR and get updates on it automatically
Live Train - Where Is My Train is an independent application created to assist Indian train passengers. It operates independently and is not associated with Indian Railways, IRCTC, NTES, or any other related organizations. This app is a privately developed product intended purely for informational purposes and personal, non-commercial use. It does not represent or act on behalf of any government entity or body.
The content of this app is intended for personal use and informational purposes only. While we strive to keep the information accurate and up-to-date, users are advised to verify details through official channels or reliable sources such as https://enquiry.indianrail.gov.in and https://www.irctc.co.in.