Gurulugomi - The eBook Store app analytics for February 15

Gurulugomi - The eBook Store

Gurulugomi - The eBook Store

  • Google Play Store
  • Free
  • Books & Reference
Since 1913, M.D.GUNASENA has become an established household name that resonates in the hearts and minds of people, as a trusted brand synonymous with education. Sovereign in ownership and true to its founding ethos, we hold ourselves accountable to one principle, our Vision: the advancement of human thought. Today, our core business is in Publishing, Printing, Book selling and Education. 2013 marked a significant milestone for the company; our 100th anniversary and the start of our second century. We just ventured into developing the first functional e-Pub Application which is a significant milestone for the Company which continues to set trends and lead innovation in the industry. The Gurulugomi Application was named after the renown 12th Century Literary Figure whose works continues to influence literature even today. The Gurulugomi is cloud based online e-book store. Use this webstore to purchase your favourite books and access the Gurulugomi App Reader from any Android and iOs driven device to read. Now all our customers have access to their favorite Sri Lankan literature at the press of a button. Permissions we request from the users and why -------------------------------------------------------------------- * "Take pictures and record video" - we have provided the facility to take a photo directly from phone camera when changing the profile picture, for that we need this permission. * "Make and manage phone calls" - we do not make or manage phone calls for you but to get a device specific unique id this permission is a must. * "Access photos, media and files" - we need permission to store books you read
Gurulugomi - The eBook Store

Gurulugomi - The eBook Store Usage Rank

The usage rank is based on Similarweb's algorithm that calculates current installs and active users over a 28-day period.

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Books & Reference in
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Gurulugomi - The eBook Store Ranking Stats Over Time

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Gurulugomi - The eBook Store Ranking by Country

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Users Interests & Top Categories

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Top Competitors & Alternative Apps

Apps with a high probability of being used by the same users, from the same store.

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Gurulugomi - The eBook Store VS.

February 15, 2025