Sleepy Baby - White Noise app analytics for February 14

Sleepy Baby - White Noise

Sleepy Baby - White Noise

  • Fabrikod
  • Google Play Store
  • Free
  • Parenting
It’s common to feel relax and happy when we see a baby deeply sleeping getting rest in order have enough energy to keep discovering the unknown things and situations that our world has. Relaxing sounds and music are always a good way to help babies to get to sleep easier and smoothly. Also, a good side effect of babies getting a healthy good sleep is that those parents, relatives, friends that are taking care of those babies can keep going with their routine things that when the baby is awake and asks for his or her necessities can’t be fulfilled. Sleepy Baby - White Noise is the perfect app for helping babies fall asleep way easier and make that tasks for relatives or babysitters also easier and more automatic than it used to be before. It creates an atmosphere of relaxation which makes the perfect context for the baby to sleep. To make more special this app for this task, in case the baby has a special noise, sound or even lullaby that you sing for sleeping, you can record it and save it and let it play during the proper time you need so the baby will be comfortable and relax enough to fall asleep. Timer Arrange your time settings up to your necessities, either you can set it up with presets or you may choose exactly how much time you want the app playing your sound or music. Music & Sounds Enjoy looking the baby relaxing listening more than 40 multimedia content and updated to the latest in order to make it interesting as relaxing. Features you can find in this app: - Over 40 multimedia content including music and sounds. - Recording Voice and Saving Voice Recordings - Exceptional Audio Quality - Light/Dark Theme - Timer – Music turns off automatically - Simple and Attractive Design Please let us know if you have any comments or suggestions so that we can enhance our app for you. Contact us at for assistance. Privacy policy: Terms of service:
Sleepy Baby - White Noise

Sleepy Baby - White Noise Usage Rank

The usage rank is based on Similarweb's algorithm that calculates current installs and active users over a 28-day period.

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February 14, 2025