RedAlert - צבע אדום app analytics for February 14

RedAlert - צבע אדום

RedAlert - צבע אדום

  • Elad‌‌ Nava
  • Google Play Store
  • Free
  • News & Magazines
RedAlert was developed by volunteers to provide real-time emergency alerts for Israeli citizens. The app relays real-time safety alerts published by the Home Front Command (Pikud Haoref). ★ Speed & reliability - alerts are received before / during the official siren thanks to dedicated notification servers ★ Location-based alerts - receive emergency alerts on the move in addition to city / region selection ★ Threat types - receive alerts about rocket fire, hostile aircraft intrusion, terrorist infiltration, and more ★ Alert history - see the list of recent alerts, their location, and time of day (in your local time) ★ Connectivity test - check, at any time, whether your device is able to receive alerts via the "self-test" option ★ Sound selection - choose from 15 unique sounds for alerts or choose a custom sound ★ Silent mode override - the application will override silent / vibrate mode to sound alerts ★ Vibration - your phone will vibrate in addition to playing the selected alert sound ★ Area selection - select preferred alert cities / regions by searching for them ★ Countdown - alerts will display the estimated time until impact ★ I'm safe - let your friends and family know you are safe by sending an "I'm safe" message via the app ★ Localization - the app has been translated to multiple languages (Hebrew, English, Arabic, Russian, Italian, Spanish, French, German, and Portuguese) Attention: 1. This application was developed by volunteers and is not owned or operated by the military, country or Home Front Command. 2. The application is not a replacement for the official rocket alert systems, use it only as a supplement. In case of unstable connectivity, the application will not be able to receive rocket alerts. 3. Please adhere to the Home Front Command's official instructions for when a rocket alarm goes off: 4. Location-based Alerts require enabling a foreground service which updates your location in the background, even when you don't use the app. 5. There is an optional remote messaging foreground service which improves alert delivery in real time when the app is in the background. The app is open sourced on GitHub: Special thanks to: 1. Ilana Badner for the Russian translation 2. Rodolphe Moulin for the French translation 3. Matteo Villosio for the Italian translation 4. David Chevallier for the German translation 5. Rodrigo Sabino for the Portuguese translation 6. Nathan Ellenberg and Noam Hashmonai for the Spanish translation 7. Eden Galant for Siren 1 and Siren 2 in sound selection 8. Thanks to the developers of the Tzofar app for the map polygon data Visit our website:
RedAlert - צבע אדום

RedAlert - צבע אדום Usage Rank

The usage rank is based on Similarweb's algorithm that calculates current installs and active users over a 28-day period.

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February 14, 2025