Cork Safety Alerts app analytics for February 14

Cork Safety Alerts

Cork Safety Alerts

  • Krisztian Balogh
  • Google Play Store
  • Free
  • Travel & Local
Introducing the Cork Safety Alerts App - your go-to source for local news and live alerts in Cork! With a team of dedicated volunteers, we bring you the latest updates on traffic, travel, and other important local news happening in your area. Our central feed keeps you informed and up-to-date, so you never miss a beat. But that's not all - the Cork Safety Alerts App allows you to submit incidents to our team, including your live location. This means that we can respond quickly and effectively to any situation, keeping you and your community safe. Our app is perfect for those who want to stay informed and be a part of a community that cares. With easy access to our social media channels, website, and Freephone number, you can share alerts and contribute to making Cork a safer place. Join the thousands of people who have already benefited from our services since our inception as Cork Potholes in 2013. Download the Cork Safety Alerts App today and take a step towards a safer Cork.
Cork Safety Alerts

Cork Safety Alerts Usage Rank

The usage rank is based on Similarweb's algorithm that calculates current installs and active users over a 28-day period.

All Categories in
United States--
Travel & Local in
United States--

Daily active users

Analyze usage patterns of Cork Safety Alerts users by viewing Cork Safety Alerts downloads and daily active users over time.


Analyze usage patterns of Cork Safety Alerts users by viewing Cork Safety Alerts downloads and daily active users over time.

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Cork Safety Alerts Ranking Stats Over Time

Similarweb's Usage Rank & Google Play Store Rank for Cork Safety Alerts


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Cork Safety Alerts Ranking by Country

Counties in which Cork Safety Alerts has the highest ranking in its main categories

Users Interests & Top Categories

Top categories and apps used by Cork Safety Alerts users

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Top Competitors & Alternative Apps

Apps with a high probability of being used by the same users, from the same store.

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Cork Safety Alerts VS.

February 14, 2025