Babilala Class: Tiếng Anh Nhí app analytics for February 15

Babilala Class: Tiếng Anh Nhí

Babilala Class: Tiếng Anh Nhí

  • Google Play Store
  • Free
  • Education
Babilala Class is an application that helps children 3 - 8 years old learn English. Applying technology and learning methods, Babilala Class provides a rich learning environment, arousing children's interest in English from an early age. 1. Objects using Babilala Class. - Babilala Class is an English learning application that provides a roadmap to comprehensively develop the 4 skills of Listening - Speaking - Reading - Writing for children 3 - 8 years old. - Online learning application right on your phone 2. Babilala Class's curriculum. - Video: Students start the lesson with animated videos or lively songs, helping to warm up gently and get acquainted with the new topic. - Writing: Students practice skills through engaging reading passages, helping to identify learned vocabulary and develop the ability to use language in real-life contexts. - Speaking: Students are guided to practice pronunciation with iSpeak technology, helping them be confident and communicate with the correct intonation like a native speaker. - Quiz: Short tests help students review and consolidate vocabulary, ensure a solid grasp of learned knowledge and improve memory. - Report: Study report after completing the lesson. - Babilala Call: Students participate in simulated communication situations with teachers, helping to practice language reflexes and effectively consolidate learned knowledge. SUPPORT - Email: - Hotline: 093.120.8686
Babilala Class: Tiếng Anh Nhí

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Babilala Class: Tiếng Anh Nhí VS.

February 15, 2025