Vrijeme+ app analytics for February 14



  • Nikola Stepan
  • Apple App Store
  • Paid
  • Weather
- Zadnja mjerenja s meteoroloških postaja diljem Hrvatske (83 stanice) - Detaljan prikaz vremenskih prilika koji uključuje smjer i brzinu vjetra, temperaturu i tlak zraka, te relativnu vlažnost - Vrijeme za posljednja 24 sata - Prognoza vremena za danas i sutra sa meteorološkim kartama - Prognoza za 3 dana (322 mjesta) - Prognoza za 7 dana (45 mjesta) - UV indeks - Temperature mora - Satelitske slike - Aktualni vremenski podaci i vremenska prognoza za sljedeća 3 dana na osnovi vaše trenutne GPS lokacije - Vrijeme u Europi - Biometeorološka prognoza - Prognoza tlaka - Visine snijega - Radarska slika naoblake - Prognoza osjeta ugode * Optimizirano osvježavanje i dohvat podataka s Interneta * Pregledna i intuitivna navigacija između ekrana * Meteorološke slike prilagođene iPhone ekranu * Mogućnost prilagodbe i praćenja samo odabranih mjesta * Podrška za iPhone/iPad * Izbor između dva dizajna (Metro/Retro) * Odabrana u Top 5 domaćih aplikacija za iPhone/iPad po izboru Nacionala i Jutarnjeg lista Izvor podataka - Državni hidrometeorološki zavod (DHMZ) --- Weather application with most important info from Meteorological and hydrological institute of Croatia. - Latest data from weather stations across country (83 stations) - Detailed weahter info that includes temperature, pressure, wind speed/direction and humidity - Weather for last 24 hours - Forecast for today and tomorrow with meteorological charts - Forecast for next 3 days (322 cities) - Forecast for next 7 days (45 cities) - UV index - Sea temperatures - Satellite and radar images - Weather info and forecast based on your current GPS position - Weather in Europe - Biometeorological forecast - Pressure forecast - Snow depth * Optimized data refresh and Internet data access * Intuitive screen navigation * Pictures sized for iPhone screen * Add places to favorites * iPhone/iPad support * Two visual themes supported (Metro/Retro) * Top 5 Croatian app by few magazines Meteorological and hydrological institute of Croatia (DHMZ) is fundamental institution for meteorology and hydrology in Croatia.

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The Store Rank is based on multiple parameters set by Google and Apple.

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February 14, 2025