Spanish-English Larousse app analytics for February 14

Spanish-English Larousse

Spanish-English Larousse

  • Ediciones Larousse S.A. de C.V.
  • Apple App Store
  • Paid
  • Reference
Larousse goes mobile! English / Spanish dictionary application for the iPhone now available from Larousse, leading dictionary and reference book publisher. - 100,000 words and phrases - 120,000 translations illustrating all nuances of meaning - Recorded pronunciation for 40,000 words (requires access to the internet) - 1,000 abbreviations - Proverbs, sayings and idiomatic expressions - Useful search history feature The quick search function allows you to look up words simply by keying them into your iPhone. Also includes full verb conjugation tables. Fast and easy to use on the move, this application can be downloaded in full onto your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch. No need for an internet connexion once you've downloaded the application - access the full dictionary offline (except the recorded pronunciation guides). Larousse Mobile, a library in your pocket! For any issues related to this app please contact us directly at Dir. © 2017 Ediciones Larousse, S.A. de C.V. Renacimiento 180, C.P. 02400, México, D.F. Managing editor: Tomás García Cerezo Proyect manager: Emmanuel Jetzael Bautista Tinoco.
Spanish-English Larousse

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February 14, 2025