BookBites app analytics for February 14



  • BookBites A/S
  • Apple App Store
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  • Books
The world's best digital reading experience! BookBites gathers all your reading in one place: whether you read physical or digital books, BookBites provides an overview and insight into reading - for both students and teachers. In BookBites you will find thousands of digital books from big and small publishers. The latest books are always available and you never have to wait in line. BookBites gives students ongoing insight into their own progress, keeping them engaged in the world of books and motivating them to take another bite. It is also possible to log readings from physical books in BookBites. BookBites gives the teacher an accurate insight into the reading ability and reading patterns of the class. The teacher can see statistics for individual students or get an overview of all students. With BookBites, teachers can target their support even more precisely, and students can also inspire each other to read new books under 'Community'. - Books for everyone - Search the entire catalog - An e-book reader at the forefront - Visualize how much of the book you have read - Customize text - Make markings and notes - Look up words - Focus on lines - Qualified book suggestions

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February 14, 2025