Windy Lookout app analytics for February 15

Windy Lookout

Windy Lookout

  • Sean Thornton
  • Apple App Store
  • Free
  • Weather
Windy Lookout's main function is to work as an early alert system for lake recreational users. Its purpose and goal is 3 fold: Detection, Alert and Safety. Current weather conditions and forecasts are readily available through many free services. As many lake recreational users will tell you, the problem arises when unpredictable sudden weather changes happen on the lake. For the sailing community, it is especially important to beware of potentially dangerous high wind speeds. Not only will these create rough conditions on the lake but if you are caught unprepared, the winds can knock down sailboats. Windy Lookout analyzes and processes many current wind conditions beyond the perimeter of the lake to give users an early alert should a dangerous wind arise. We process this information in real-time to give users an alert allowing them to make the necessary decisions to stay safe in the minutes before the wind hits.
Windy Lookout

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February 15, 2025