Virtuagym Coach app analytics for February 14

Virtuagym Coach

Virtuagym Coach

  • Virtuagym
  • Google Play Store
  • Free
  • Health & Fitness
FREE TO USE FOR THE FIRST CLIENTS Coach and keep track of your client progress. It’s free to use for the first three clients. Simply let your clients download the app and discover how Virtuagym can improve your service as a personal trainer. IMPORTANT: IMPORTANT: With Virtuagym's Coach App, you can manage your clients at any given moment with your mobile phone. No need for a PC! As a personal trainer you can create and assign workouts for your client in your Virtuagym Coach App. Share this with your clients so they can see the personalized fitness plan you have created for them on their own app - the Virtuagym Fitness App. HOW VIRTUAGYM HELPS PERSONAL TRAINERS COACH BETTER With Virtuagym coach for personal trainers you keep your clients happy, fit and healthy. You can keep track of your client progress, training plans, reactions, and actions. With our app you have the big opportunity to provide an outstanding coaching experience. Your clients can enjoy an increased focus on reaching their personal fitness goals while preventing injuries. COACHING FEATURES Virtuagym provides the mobile coaching solution that fits the needs of any fitness coach or personal trainer with the following features: • Client information View and edit dossiers, including intake information, medical status, and other fitness coaching notes. • Workouts Create workouts on the go and assign them to your clients. • Exercise database Workouts can be created using an extensive exercise library containing over 5,000 exercises. • Progress tracking Track over 250 different values for all your fitness clients, from weight to endurance to muscle strength. • Challenges Introduce a competitive element to your workouts. Add members to challenges and track progress. Connect Stay in touch with your clients with easy access to call, email, text or WhatsApp message them. • Seamless integration with the Virtuagym Fitness App Clients can track their own progress in their own fitness apps. All data is synced to your Fitness Coach app. HOW YOU CAN SAVE TIME Manage all your client data on the go, create and assign their training plans, and easily stay in touch. No more running to a desktop in order to change a workout. With Virtuagym Coach for personal trainers, you’ll have everything you need to make client coaching truly mobile. HOW CAN WE HELP YOUR FITNESS BUSINESS GROW Your fitness coaching business will be able to grow faster and better than ever before. With more time to invest in training clients, your personal trainer business will be healthier and more attractive to new clients. Next, to that you are also able to create a better strategy. When you make more money with Virtuagym, you’re strengthening your position as a leader in the personal training world even when you just start coaching. MANAGE IT ALL Manage all aspects of your coaching business. Keep all your client information, from intake to account details, in a single overview. Track lesson bookings and always ensure your time is spent optimally. CONNECT YOUR BRAND With our coaching app, you can connect your clients with your business. Building a brand is an essential task if you want to survive today’s business. This will help you to create happy clients but those clients will also promote your personal trainer business with their own friends and family. With our coaching app, you will take your business to the next level.
Virtuagym Coach

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February 14, 2025