Rhythm Tabla & Tanpura PREMIUM app analytics for February 14

Rhythm Tabla & Tanpura PREMIUM

Rhythm Tabla & Tanpura PREMIUM

  • PSS Labs
  • Google Play Store
  • Paid
  • Music & Audio
Rhythm with Tabla & Tanpura is an innovative app that lets you sing or practice songs anywhere, anytime. Just select the taal and sing along with the rhythm. Its a handy tool for every singer, composer or a dancer. The beats have the flavour of real tabla and tanpura, giving an Indian classical feeling. * Easy to use * Must have for every singers, composers and dancers * Beautiful tone of manual tabla and tanpura Beat Counter - Tabla bols are highlighted in a karaoke like style that helps new learners and tabla enthusiasts. - The vibration with every beat adds an added layer of sense while singing. - Current beat progress helps you to understand next beat timing. This is very helpful when tempo is very low. Tabla - Control tempo between 10 - 720. - Control volume. - Fine tune pitch. - Sam identification with a bell, whose volume can be controlled from the settings page. - Control scale of bayan as per your needs. Tanpura - Control tempo between 40 - 150. - Fine tune pitch. - Control volume. - Choose between North Indian (5 beat) or Carnatic Style (6 beat) Swarmandal - 115+ Raags. - Play Aroha and Avaroha. - Control tempo between 60 - 720. - Fine tune pitch. - Control volume. - Choose playback repeatation timing. Key Features: * 60+ tabla taals. * 18 tanpura patterns (North Indian & Carnatic style). * Swarmandal with 115+ raags * 12 scale changing options. * Individual instrument's pitch fine tuner, volume and tempo control. * Beat counter with progress. * Vibrate on Beat (can be turned off from settings). * Karaoke style tabla bol highlighter. * No time limit, continues playing even when the screen is turned off. * Settings page lets you control vibration, screen awake, taal name sorting preference and many more. Tabla Taals: * Ada Chautal - 14 beats * Ada Dhumali - 8 beats * Adha - 16 beats * Adi - 8 beats * Anima - 13 beats * Ank - 9 beats * Ardha Jhaptal - 5 beats * Ashtamangal - 11 beats * Basant - 9 beats * Bhajani - 8 beats (4 Variations) * Brahma - 14 beats * Brahma - 28 beats * Champak Sawari - 11 beats * Chanchar - 10 beats * Chitra - 15 beats * Chautal - 12 beats * Dadra - 6 beats (11 Variations) * Deepchandi - 14 beats * Dhamar - 14 beats * Dhumali - 8 beats * Ekadashi - 11 beats (2 Variations) { by Rabindranath Tagore } * Ektaal - 12 beats * Farodast - 14 beats * Gaj Jhampa - 15 beats * Gajamukhi - 16 beats * Ganesh - 21 beats * Garba - 8 beats (2 Variations) * Jai - 13 beats * Jat - 8 beats * Jhampa - 10 beats * Jhampak - 5 beats * Jhaptal - 10 beats * Jhumra - 14 beats * Kaherwa - 8 beats (11 Variations) * Khemta - 6 beats { by Rabindranath Tagore } * Kumbh - 11 beats * Laxmi - 18 beats * Mani - 11 beats * Matta - 9 beats * Moghuli - 7 beats * Nabapancha - 18 beats { by Rabindranath Tagore } * Nabataal - 9 beats (2 Variations) { by Rabindranath Tagore } * Pancham Sawari - 15 beats * Pastu - 7 beats * Pauri - 4 beats * Punjabi - 7 beats * Rudra - 11 beats * Rupak - 7 beats (2 Variations) * Rupkara - 8 beats (2 Variations) { by Rabindranath Tagore } * Sadra - 10 beats * Sashti - 6 beats { by Rabindranath Tagore } * Sikhar - 17 beats * Surfakta - 10 beats * Tapa - 16 beats * Tewra - 7 beats (2 Variations) * Tilwada - 16 beats * Tintal - 16 beats (3 Variations) * Vikram - 12 beats * Vilambit Ektaal - 12 beats * Vilambit Ektaal - 48 beats * Vilambit Tintal - 16 beats * Vishnu - 17 beats * Vishwa - 13 beats * Yamuna - 5 beats Tanpura Patterns: * Kharaj * Komal Re * Re * Komal Ga * Ga * Ma * Teevra Ma * Pa * Komal Dha * Dha * Komal Ni * Ni * Sa * Komal Re High * Re High * Komal Ga High * Ga High * Ma High Scales: G, G#, A, A#, B, C, C#, D, D#, E, F, F# Note: - No question asked 30 days money back guarantee. - Google Play handles all the payment and we have no control over it. So for any issues contact Google Play.
Rhythm Tabla & Tanpura PREMIUM

Rhythm Tabla & Tanpura PREMIUM Usage Rank

The usage rank is based on Similarweb's algorithm that calculates current installs and active users over a 28-day period.

All Categories in
United States#700
Music & Audio in
United States#68

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Rhythm Tabla & Tanpura PREMIUM VS.

February 14, 2025