Shortwave Radio Schedules app analytics for February 15

Shortwave Radio Schedules

Shortwave Radio Schedules

  • Stephen Cooper
  • Google Play Store
  • Free
  • Music & Audio
Shortwave Radio Schedules This app provides schedules and frequencies for shortwave radio broadcasts throughout the world. Information is also included on some utility stations, Firedrake jammer etc. Information is taking from the Eibi schedule ( and AOKI Schedule. Location permissions are for mapping features for Google Maps API and displaying your current location on a map. Premium Version is available as an In App Purchase which adds: *"Now" feature showing stations currently on air in each SW band *Favourites tab to store and easily lookup frequencies of favourite stations *SDR audio option to play live station audio through a selection of SDRs including Twente WebSDR and various KiwiSDRs. More SDR options coming soon. *If you want to donate to the author please also purchase this IAP to buy me a beer* The app has the following free features (which will always be free): *Schedules easily updated from Eibi and stored on device meaning data connection is not needed once schedules are downloaded. * Search by time showing all stations broadcasting to a chosen target area at a specific time * Search by station showing either complete station schedule and frequencies or only broadcasts of a station at a chosen time * Search by frequency to identify a station you are listening to either at a specific time or any time. * Search by language to find stations only broadcasting in a specific language. * Shows maps of transmitters location and beam direction from AOKI list * Log your DX catches, record audio recordings of the station and share your logs using Android share options. *Dark mode Results show the station name, the broadcast start and end time, the target area of the station (EU, Asia, Africa, North America etc.) and a list of frequencies including the transmitter location (swipe across to see more frequencies) Thanks to David Giménez for the translation into Spanish and Paolo Romani for the Italian translation. If you have any comments or suggestions please email me.
Shortwave Radio Schedules

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February 15, 2025