filmhwa - @hwa.min's filter app analytics for February 14

filmhwa - @hwa.min's filter

filmhwa - @hwa.min's filter

  • Apple App Store
  • Paid
  • Photo & Video
Have the unique color of @hwa.min, an influencer loved by 1 million followers. A camera with a special film, @filmhwa ##### @hwa.min hello. I am Hwamin who loves photography. I have been sharing photos on Instagram since 2015. Many people loved my photos, so I decided to release the app. I often capture landscapes that can be encountered in everyday life. I especially like warm moments filled with light. I tried to capture the atmosphere and emotions I felt while taking pictures in the 'filmhwa' filter. I hope you do not miss the brilliant of everyday life with the 'filmhwa' camera. ##### ■ It is recommended for people like this • who like the analog sensibility of a film camera • who want to create a natural, basic camera feel. • who like to take pictures of light, sea, flowers and trees ■ Unique atmosphere photo filters • The secret of photo editing that people asked whenever @hwa.min posted a picture on Instagram. • Reproduce emotional colors with filters made by @hwa.min. • New filters will be added every month! ■ @hwa.min recommends filters according to the weather and situation and shows private photos. • Filters suitable for the weather, such as holidays, cloudy days, backlight, and night. • Filters for each situation, such as a lazy morning or a leisurely afternoon walk • Check detailed info about each filters like a magazine on the home screen • You can find out the date, time, location, and camera model that @hwa.min took. • You can also see photos that haven't been posted on @hwa.min's Instagram yet! ■ Photo shooting/editing tool perfect for vintage film sensibility • From basic editing functions such as brightness, exposure, and contrast • Various effects such as grain, light, dust, etc. • You can even edit the proportions for Instagram posts and story sizes at once. ■ Video shooting/editing tools for moving moments • Capture the mood of the day with the @hwa.min filter • Easy to share reel with full aspect ratio shooting ■ Wide-angle shooting, silent mode, and skin texture correction functions are also provided. ※ In silent mode, images may be captured at a lower resolution depending on the device model. ■ Instagram @hwa.min : Follow and enjoy Hwamin's photos. @filmhwa : Follow us for new updates and events. ■ Customer Center Send your enquiries to!
filmhwa - @hwa.min's filter

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February 14, 2025