CroForecast app analytics for February 14



  • Dario Caric
  • Apple App Store
  • Paid
  • Weather
EN: ************************************ Main point of this application is to provide most accurate weather forecast for Croatia and to present them on simple and clear way. Forecast is based only on maps. On that way user can see very fast and simple temperature, clouds, rain, wind, sea temperature, UV index and some other data for the whole Croatia SOURCES: CROATIAN NATIONAL METEOROLOGY INSTITUTE SUPPORT: Please for issues, questions or suggestions, use mail via contact developer. Thanks! HR: ************************************ Aplikacija ima jednostavan i pregledan prikaz raznih vremenskih podataka. Vremenski podaci su prikazani isključivo kartama. Prognoza sadrži karte za temperaturu, naoblaku, kišu, odare vjetrova, teperaturu mora, UV index i neke druge podatke. IZVOR: Hrvatski Državni Meterološki Zavod PODRŠKA: Molim vas ako ustanovite na nešto ne radi ili prijedlog pošaljete na mail preko forme "kontaktiraj developera". Hvala!

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February 14, 2025