Thread Tracker 117 app analytics for February 14

Thread Tracker 117

Thread Tracker 117

  • Daniel Hotop
  • Apple App Store
  • Paid
  • Shopping
Thread Tracker 117 is a simple application designed to help you keep track of your DMC Art 117 Threads, it features all 488 colours in the Article 117 range + 36 417 varirgated, including the new Oct 2013 colours. The application allows you to set 'ownership status' of 'Don't own, Do own, On Bobbin and Need to Buy' per thread. Each thread is presented sorted by Code, with the ability to view a detail page which tells you the number, the colour name, a sample of the colour, view and modify the 'ownership status' and view and adjust the amount you own/need to buy. 4 buttons down the bottom of the application allow you to easily filter out/in threads based upon 'ownership status', allowing you to view only the ones you need to buy, or own easily. A search feature allows you to find threads by their Code. By setting the Mode on the threads you need to buy to "Need to buy" and then selecting "Don't", "Do" and "Bobbin" so they are in the deselected state, you will be left with a list of the threads you need to buy, hence forming a Shopping List.
Thread Tracker 117

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Thread Tracker 117 VS.

February 14, 2025