centurionjewelry.com Website Analysis for February 2025
Welcome to Centurion! The Jewelry Industry’s Favorite Tradeshow For 24 Years–2025 SHOW is SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 2-TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 2025 at The Arizona Biltmore Resort The Centurion Jewelry Show has been the jewelry industry’s premier jewelry event for better jewelry stores and premierShow more
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centurionjewelry.com Ranking by Traffic
Website ranking helps evaluate the value of a business. Over the last three months, centurionjewelry.com's global ranking has increased from 2,514,525 to 3,393,826.
centurionjewelry.com's web traffic has decreased by 27.62% compared to last month. See all traffic & engagement stats for centurionjewelry.com in the past 3 months below
Which countries sent the most traffic to centurionjewelry.com lately? Where is their core audience from? Last month United States was the top country sending desktop traffic to centurionjewelry.com - click below to discover all countries
Reveal centurionjewelry.com top alternatives and find potential or emerging competitors. jewelrynewsnetwork.blogspot.com is the website with the highest similarity score to centurionjewelry.com. Find out why - Click here toAnalyze all competitors
The top traffic source to centurionjewelry.com is Direct traffic, driving 46.03% of desktop visits last month, and Organic Search is the 2nd with 29.97% of traffic. The most underutilized channel is Paid Search. Drill down into the main traffic drivers in each channel below
Marketing Channels Distribution
Organic Search
Paid Search
Organic Search
jewelrynewsnetwork.blogspot.comTop competitor
Industry benchmark?
centurionjewelry.com Top Keywords by Traffic Share
See the list of top keywords driving organic traffic to centurionjewelry.com (Desktop, worldwide)
Organic vs. Paid
Top Keywords
caza connect254VOL: 280$--what do rings look like on fat female fingers130VOL: 130$--centurion 2025116VOL: 100$--beny sofer inc./roberto demeglio102VOL: 20$--centurion jewelry show 2024 jay leno88VOL: 50$--194 OthersSee more
These are the website technologies, by industry, used on centurionjewelry.com. There are a total of 38 technologies from 15 different industries installed on centurionjewelry.com.
Welcome to Centurion! The Jewelry Industry’s Favorite Tradeshow For 24 Years–2025 SHOW is SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 2-TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 2025 at The Arizona Biltmore Resort The Centurion Jewelry Show has been the jewelry industry’s premier jewelry event for better jewelry stores and premierShow more
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Traffic rank of site, compared to all other sites in the world
Traffic rank of this site. Shown for the country where it gets the most traffic
Traffic rank of the site compared to all other sites in its main category in the top country
Sum of all visits on desktop and mobile from the last month
Average percentage of visitors who view only one page before leaving the website
Average pages per visit
Average duration of time spent on the site
Traffic rank of the site compared to all other sites in its main category
Traffic rank of the site in the country where it was ranked the highest
Traffic rank of site, as compared to all other sites in the world
Sum of all visits on desktop and mobile from the last month
The change in total traffic to the analyzed website on desktop and mobile
Average percentage of visitors who view only one page before leaving the website
Average pages per visit
Average duration of time spent on the site
The trend of visits for the past 3 months on desktop and mobile
The top countries sending traffic to the analyzed website on desktop
The age distribution of the analyzed website's users on both desktop and mobile devices
The gender distribution of the analyzed website's users on both desktop and mobile devices
The distribution of the categories most visited by the analyzed website's users
The websites also visited by the website's users
The top "tags" on websites visited by the analyzed website's users
The breakdown of organic vs paid keywords sending traffic to the analyzed website on desktop
The top keywords sending traffic to the analyzed website on desktop
The total number of keywords sending traffic to the analyzed website on desktop
The distribution of the categories sending traffic to the analyzed website on desktop
Lifestyle > Jewelry and Luxury Products
The top domains sending traffic to the analyzed website on desktop
The total number of domains sending traffic to the analyzed website on desktop
The top publishers sending traffic to the analyzed website on desktop
The total number of publishers sending traffic to the analyzed website on desktop
Recently seen display ads sending traffic to the analyzed website on desktop
The total number of social media networks sending traffic to the analyzed website on desktop
The top social media networks sending traffic to the analyzed website on desktop
The total number of domains receiving traffic from the analyzed website on desktop
The top domains receiving traffic from the analyzed website on desktop
The distribution of the categories receiving traffic from the analyzed website on desktop
Computers Electronics and Technology > Telecommunications
Ecommerce & Shopping > Ecommerce and Shopping - Other
The percent of direct traffic to the analyzed website on desktop
The percent of traffic to the analyzed website from referring websites on desktop
The percent of traffic to the analyzed website from organic search on desktop
The percent of traffic to the analyzed website from paid search on desktop
The percent of traffic to the analyzed website from social media networks on desktop
The percent of traffic to the analyzed website from email on desktop
The percent of traffic to the analyzed website from display advertizing on desktop
Social Media Traffic to centurionjewelry.com
The top social media networks directing traffic to centurionjewelry.com.
Social Networks
Social Network Distribution
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