Westgate Shopping Mall app analytics for February 14

Westgate Shopping Mall

Westgate Shopping Mall

  • Google Play Store
  • Free
  • Shopping
Westgate, Nairobi's premier shopping mall is East Africa's finest shopping, leisure and pleasure destination for millions of resident and international visitors. With lots of daily, weekly and monthly entertainment options for the whole family; Westgate is the only shopping mall in East Africa that has shoppers engaged in exciting and enlightening events for all. With over 80 stores and a variety of art and craft kiosks all open from 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. as well as entertainment outlets and restaurants that are open till midnight seven days a week; Westgate upholds the standards to keep our shoppers happy and give them the best variety. Westgate Shopping Mall attracts a highly cosmopolitan and sophisticated clientele, and reaches a well-defined and attractive demographic audience. Located in the heart of Westlands along Mwanzi Road, Westgate Shopping Mall is easily accessible from the city center and Nairobi environs. Shoppers are assured of an enjoyable and convenient shopping experience in a relaxed atmosphere; all under one roof. Westgate has ample parking for over 550 cars.
Westgate Shopping Mall

Westgate Shopping Mall Usage Rank

The usage rank is based on Similarweb's algorithm that calculates current installs and active users over a 28-day period.

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Westgate Shopping Mall Ranking Stats Over Time

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Westgate Shopping Mall Ranking by Country

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Top Competitors & Alternative Apps

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February 14, 2025