Contraction Timer & Counter app analytics for February 14

Contraction Timer & Counter

Contraction Timer & Counter

  • Wachanga
  • Google Play Store
  • Free
  • Parenting
This pregnancy contraction timer is designed for the final phase of your pregnancy. The Сontraction Timer & Counter app helps you track labor contractions and monitor your labor progress for a positive birth experience. This app is ideal for mothers in childbirth to time contractions effortlessly. By timing multiple contractions, including Braxton Hicks contractions, the app will inform you of the labor stage you're in. Collect all necessary data in one convenient report for your doctor. The app generates a PDF report that can be emailed or shown directly from your phone. How to Use the App: Track Contractions: Easily start and stop the timer to monitor each contraction. This feature is especially helpful for tracking Braxton Hicks contractions and real labor contractions. Monitor Progress: The app will analyze your data and provide insights into your labor stage. Whether you are experiencing Braxton Hicks or true labor contractions, the app offers valuable information. Generate Reports: Compile all your contraction data into a report for your healthcare provider. This includes tracking your contractions through various stages, from early labor to full term. Benefits: Contraction Timer: Accurately time your contractions, including Braxton Hicks contractions. Labor Signs Tracking: Monitor labor signs and know when it's time to head to the hospital. The app helps distinguish between Braxton Hicks and actual labor contractions. Positive Birth Experience: Utilize the app for a calm and gentle birth. Data Reports: Keep all your contraction data in one place for easy sharing with your doctor. This includes data on Braxton Hicks and true labor contractions. May the last phase of your pregnancy be pleasant and wonderful! Our app will support you through your entire journey to becoming a new mom, whether you're dealing with Braxton Hicks contractions or real labor. Millions of pregnant women around the world have used our apps to track their contractions and monitor their labor progress. IMPORTANT: This app does not provide medical advice. Our recommendations are based on standard indicators. Your labor may occur differently. Always consult your doctor regarding contraction frequency and duration. We welcome your feedback and questions. Please contact us at or reach out to support within the app.
Contraction Timer & Counter

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February 14, 2025