Word note: create dictionary app analytics for February 16

Word note: create dictionary

Word note: create dictionary

  • Velonder
  • Google Play Store
  • Free
  • Education
Word note is words saver app that helps you memorize words and phrases which you add. Create your personal dictionary, and memorize your vocabulary. You can also use this app to save famous people's quotes, and also as a lexicon or glossary, on the theme you want, "math", "physics", "chemistry", "biology" etc. Also a very useful application for writing down various historical terms. This app will be especially useful for those who read books, Finding a new unknown word in the text, the user can simply add this word to the dictionary, find the definition and write it down to the app. Usually, people forget new words without dictionary, and seeing it again they have to find it one more time. Sometimes people cannot find a definition for words that they understand and look for a long time when they already find it, after a while, they forget and once again they will have to find this definition in a word note, you can write your own definition that you understand and then will not look for these words every time. The application is made so simple that everyone can use it as a word saver, even schoolchildren or elderly people can understand how this application works. We didn't try to make the application complex with different functions and settings, the application is designed to simply save words like a regular dictionary or notebook that you use to write words. And don't think that if your word is not immediately added that it does not work, no, it was added if the word that was added is not displayed, just look for it in the search engine.
Word note: create dictionary

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Word note: create dictionary VS.

February 16, 2025