Fanikisha app analytics for February 14



  • SimbaCode
  • Google Play Store
  • Free
  • Finance
Introducing Fanikisha - your ultimate loan solution in Tanzania! Need a quick loan for your pikipiki, bajaji, or pesa needs? With Fanikisha, you can get an estimated loan amount and interest rate in three taps & two minutes, borrowing up to Tsh.1,000,000 in just a few clicks, with an interest rate of 15% per year. Our loan duration ranges from 3 months to 12 months, and the interest rate depends on your credit profile. For example, a three-month Tsh.550,000 personal loan would have an interest rate of 15% per year. There are no origination fees associated with our loans. Thus, the APR for this loan would approximately be 16.25%. You would receive Tsh.550,000 and make 3 scheduled monthly payments of Tsh.183,333.33. A twelve-month Tsh.1,000,000 personal loan would also have an interest rate of 15% per year, with no origination fee. The approximate APR for this loan would be 16.08%. You would receive Tsh.1,000,000 and make 12 scheduled monthly payments of Tsh.91,666.67. Personal loan APRs through Fanikisha typically range from 10% to 20%, with the lowest rates for the most creditworthy borrowers. Eligibility for personal loans up to Tsh.2,000,000 depends on the information provided by the applicant in the application form. Why use Fanikisha? It's simple and convenient! Get your loan directly through the app, with just your national ID number and a few personal details. Our credit options are tailored to your needs, ranging from Tsh.50,000 to Tsh.1,000,000, based on your profile and repayment ability. To get started, just follow these simple steps: 1. Download and register on the Fanikisha app. 2. Choose your loan type and amount. 3. Fill in your personal details and national ID number. 4. Get approved and receive your loan within minutes! Fanikisha is available exclusively for Tanzanians aged 18 years and above. For more information, visit our website at, or contact us at Try Fanikisha today, and experience a seamless and hassle-free loan process!

Fanikisha Usage Rank

The usage rank is based on Similarweb's algorithm that calculates current installs and active users over a 28-day period.

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February 14, 2025