NZ Topo50 South Island app analytics for February 14

NZ Topo50 South Island

NZ Topo50 South Island

  • Right Place Resources Limited
  • Apple App Store
  • Paid
  • Navigation
This app provides complete offline topographic map coverage of the South Island of New Zealand from the LINZ Topo50 1:50k scale map series. The maps are all contained in the installation so there is no additional need for downloads, no need for phone or wifi signal, no slow server issues, no account signups, no missing tiles, and no additional map fees. Just install for seamless off-line zooming and panning across the whole island down to 1:50k scale. The app also includes 1:50k resolution satellite images for the island, and elevation data. Additional aerial imagery can be downloaded. Other integrated data includes DOC hunting permit boundaries, DOC huts, campgrounds, and tracks, Fish and Game access points, Te Araroa trails, Public Conservation Land boundaries, selected public road parcels. Other datasets can be imported. The app has a full suite of navigation functions including GPS location, compass orientation, distance to map locations, track recording and graphing, route creation and following, import/export of gpx and kml files, search functions for named places and user data. Add and edit your own locations and routes and plot elevation profiles. Use your camera view to identify surrounding peaks and match with local topography. Uses an intuitive simple interface with one-touch access to all functions. LINZ TOPO250 series maps are used at lower zoom levels for easier navigation. Perfect for outback use out of cell phone range. GPS and maps function fully without phone coverage. No need to cache files in advance either as they are all fully installed with the app. Popular with trampers, hikers, runners, bikers, search and rescue (SAR), hunters, boaters, flying, paragliding, as well as survey applications. Note that continuous use of GPS will run down the battery faster than when not using the GPS. The NZTopo50 app gives you full control over when GPS is used. The map can be used without GPS, intermittently with GPS for spot checking of location, continuously for logging while the app is open, or for continuous background logging when the phone is off. Check our website for links to user guides and useful tips and tricks. The in-app purchase is an optional contribution to ongoing app development. It doesn't affect the functionality of the app or the availability of updates. Feel free to get in touch with any suggestions.
NZ Topo50 South Island

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NZ Topo50 South Island

February 14, 2025