BTS Express против DANCE MASTERCLASS Использование & Stats

“BTS Express” mobil ilovasi bilan pochta va yuklaringizni oson yetkazing! Endilikda pochta va yukingizni BTS Express orqali yuborish yanada qulayroq va zavqliroq. Chunki mobil ilovamiz orqali siz barcha jarayonlarni o’zingiz nazorat qilishingiz mumkin. “BTS Express” mobil ilovasi sizga quyidagi qulayliklarni taqdim etadi: ✅ Qulay buyurtma berish ✅ Jo’natmalar tarixini kuzatib borish ✅ Pochta holatini nazorat qilish (tracking) ✅ Jo’natma ma’lumotlarini kiritish ✅ Elektron yuk xatiga ega bo’lish ✅ Xizmatni baholash ✅ Ofislar haqida ma’lumot olish BTS Express kompaniyasi 2009 - yildan buyon sizga sifatli xizmat ko'rsatishga harakat qilib kelmoqda. Shu davr ichida kompaniyamiz quyidagi yutuqlarga erishdi: 🏢 100 dan oshiq filiallar; 👨‍💼 500 dan ortiq hodimlar; 🚚 300 dan ortiq avtomobillar va shaxsiy avtopark; 📦 2.000.000 dan ortiq yillik jo'natmalar. 🏆 Eng katta yutug'imiz, 700.000 dan ortiq mijozlarning ishonchi! Biz siz uchun xizmat qilamiz! Batafsil ma’lumotlarni yoki 📞1230 qisqa raqami orqali olishingiz mumkin.
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LEARN FROM THE WORLD'S TOP DANCERS & CHOREOGRAPHERS. Leading professionals from around the world give step-by-step instructions on how to become a great dancer. • Unlimited access with your annual membership • Offline viewing (unlimited downloads) • New masterclasses regularly Each Dance Masterclass teaches a specific, in-demand topic to bring your dance skills to the next level. For example, "PIROUETTES" is taught by Daniil Simkin, one of the best in the world when it comes to turns. The "FLEXIBILITY" class is taught by Anna Ol, who has managed to increase her flexibility and extensions and become a world star ballerina. These world-renowned Masters share their vital knowledge and personal experience in each lesson, along with helpful exercises and practical advice. The structure and content of the masterclasses are developed together with the masters, high professional dance experts and sports physicians to achieve healthy and efficient learning for all skill levels. Unlimited access membership: $192 USD per year* ______________ Terms of Service: Privacy Policy:
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февраль 15, 2025