George Česko app analytics for February 15

George Česko

George Česko

  • Česká spořitelna, a.s.
  • Google Play Store
  • Free
  • Finance
Join 3 million users taking care of their finances with George The George app gives you a clear overview of your income, expenses, investments, and insurance anytime, anywhere. Access all your financial information quickly and easily, right at your fingertips. Key features: • Manage your money: Track your income and expenses, set payment reminders, and adjust card limits. • Keep your money safe: Easily block lost cards, view your PIN, or withdraw cash from an ATM via a QR code. Verify via app that it’s really us calling you. • Ultra fast payments: Make instant payments to local banks, pay bills via QR codes, and set up standing orders. • Save money and get discounts: Earn cashback with the Moneyback program. Offers change regularly. • Invest easily: Invest in ETFs, funds, stocks, or even partial shares, and track their performance directly in the app. • Apply for products: Choose from over 50 products, including credit cards or insurance, right in the app. Your financial health partner George is your personal guide to better financial management. It helps you save on specific expenses and even shows you how to earn extra money, like through government benefits. Let George guide you through your finances and stay financially FIT with just a few clicks. Seamless payments Add your card to your digital wallet and make quick, secure payments with your phone or watch. Child-friendly banking George for Kids is George specifically designed for children up to their 15th birthday. Teach them how to tak care of their financial health with George and get it for them for free, with their own account – and from age 8, even with a card. As a cherry on top, George offers playful financial tips tailored to your child's age. George does so much more. Try it today! Download the app, set up your free account, and join those who earned an extra 8,235 CZK on average last year. Your Česká spořitelna
George Česko

George Česko Usage Rank

The usage rank is based on Similarweb's algorithm that calculates current installs and active users over a 28-day period.

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United States--
Finance in
United States#5,878

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George Česko Ranking Stats Over Time

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George Česko Ranking by Country

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February 15, 2025