Nappis is a smartphone keyboard with following key features:
* has optimized layout for smartphones.
* has algorithms enabling accurate typing.
* has alphabet for following languages: English, Germany, Estonia, Spanish, Esperanto, French, Italian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Finnish, Swedish, Turkish, Czech.
WARNING: This is NOT an QWERTY keyboard and do not have the QWERTY layout. In order to use this keyboard efficiently you need to learn a new layout! Please do not give a bad ratings because of this.
Nappis has been designed purely for smartphones and tablets and it is not just another adaptation of a 150 year old typewriter keyboard layout.
Nappis has: new and better letter positions, more letters, adequate button sizes, enough space between buttons, ergonomic layout, and artificial intelligence called ITDS in the background reducing typing errors.
Compared to traditional keyboards that have letters in three rows, Nappis provides: buttons more easy to hit and newly organized button positions that make it possible to type with less finger movement and effort.
You may currently feel that typing with a smartphone is tedious, slow, frustrating and error prone. Nappis can solve those problems once you learn it. Nappis is for everyone who finds himself/herself hitting backspace frustratingly often when typing with a smartphone.
Advanced features of Nappis keyboard are:
Nappis keyboard layout is optimized for mobile phone screens. It has shape and size shuch that keys are easy to hit. It has key positions relative to each other in such way that finger travel and finger stress is minimized.
2. ITDS (Intelligent Touch Detection System)
ITDS improves your typing accuracy by helping you to hit the correct button more easily. ITDS learns your typing habits and further uses the knowledge to make adjustments to floating button borders in the background. In this way ITDS will reduce error keystrokes, reduce frustration of a user, and will increase the overall typing speed. ITDS adapts to left- and right-handedness, it adapts to long and short fingers, it adapts to the content you type frequently, it adapts to your language, and so on. ITDS works seamlessly in the background and becomes more and more efficient the more you use it.
Nappis has been optimized for several languages as well as for Spanish, Portuguese, French, German, Italian, Turkish language, Russian, Czech language, and Polish language. Thus the layout contains all relevant letters and punctuations so that the typing will be convenient meaning that no around-corner access is needed for letters. Also letter positions relative to each other have been optimized so that the layout is comfortable to type with Spanish, Portuguese, French, German, Italian, Turkish language, Russian, Czech language, or Polish language specifically.
Language specific layouts available for following languages:
English (English keyboard)
Germany (Deutsche Tastatur) + (ä, ö, ü, ß)
Estonia (Eesti klaviatuur) + (ä, ö, õ, ü)
Spanish (Teclado español) + (á, é, í, ñ, ó, ú, ü)
Esperanto (Esperanta klavaro) + (ĉ, ĝ, ĥ, ĵ, ŝ, ŭ)
French (clavier français) + (à, â, ç, é, è, ê, ë, î, ï, ô, œ, ù, û, ü, æ)
Italian (tastiera italiana) + (à, é, è, ì, ò, ù)
Norwegian (Norsk tastatur) + (æ, ø, å)
Polish (polska klawiatura) + (ą, ę, ć, ś, ł, ń, ó, ż, ź)
Portuguese (Teclado portugues) + (ã, õ, ç, á, é, í, ó, ú, â, ê, ô, à)
Finnish (Suomalainen näppäimistö) + (ä, ö, å)
Swedish (Svenskt tangentbord) + (ä, ö, å)
Turkish (türkçe klavye) + (ğ, ç, ı, ö, ş, ü)
Czech (Česká klávesnice) + (á, ď, é, ě, ň, ó, ř, ť, ú, ů, ý)