The BPD Insight and Awareness App is an essential resource for gaining a deeper understanding of borderline personality disorder. This comprehensive application offers a wealth of information and resources for individuals affected by BPD, along with loved ones, family, and friends. It begins with an in-depth description of BPD and the nine clinical BPD symptoms.
A historical overview of the disorder is presented, tracing its origins from 1938, when Adolf Stern first introduced the term "borderline," to the recognition of May as National Borderline Personality Disorder Awareness Month by the U.S. House of Representatives in 2008.
This app provides access to the most popular BPD blogs and links to the most reputable sources of information on BPD, such as NEABPD, NIMH, NAMI, and more. It includes powerful mindfulness videos created specifically for individuals with BPD, multimedia presentations, audio tracks, inspiring music, famous BPD quotes, and powerful affirmations.
The app includes two self-assessments used in the diagnosis of BPD, including the highly regarded McLean Screening Instrument for Borderline Personality Disorder (MSI-BPD).
Borderline personality disorder affects approximately 16 million individuals in the United States, or nearly 6% of the adult population. Despite being acknowledged as one of the most prevalent and painful psychiatric disorders, BPD continues to face substantial stigma and misconceptions, resulting in a widespread lack of understanding about this condition.
For many years, it was believed that borderline personality disorder only affected young women. We now know that both men and women of all ages are affected by BPD in nearly identical numbers.
This app will present information on BPD using clear, intelligible language and provide information thoughtfully and sensitively, emphasizing recovery.
The Borderline Insight and Awareness app includes:
The A.P.A.’s Official Definition of Borderline Personality Disorder
A detailed explanation of the nine clinical symptoms of BPD
What are borderline traits?
What causes BPD?
What is emotional dysregulation?
What are abandonment fears?
What is BPD identity disturbance?
What is object constancy?
Understanding Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) in Treating BPD
The Childhood Events Associated with the Development of BPD
Recognizing BPD in Teenagers
Affirmations Against Self-Injury
Understanding the Concept of Benign Interpretation
A Self-Assessment for BPD
Downloadable Fact Sheets on BPD and DBT Resource Sheets
Online DBT Training Information
Access to the most popular BPD blogs
An Online Therapy Finder for those with BPD seeking treatment
The Evolution and History of BPD
Millon's Four Borderline Subtypes
Understanding the Stigma of BPD
Online Support for People with BPD
What It Feels Like to Have BPD
Songs About BPD
Movies About BPD
Famous People With BPD
A bookmark feature to save your favorite articles.
A notebook feature that can be used for journaling or note-taking
A collection of videos featuring the foremost experts on BPD
A collection of powerful mindfulness meditation videos for BPD
When it comes to your health, knowledge is power. I'd like you to let this app empower you with the knowledge you need.
Disclaimer: This app is intended to be a source of information for those seeking information on borderline personality disorder and, in some cases, insight into their behavior and the behavior of others. This app is not a substitute for professional counseling or treatment by a qualified mental health practitioner.