Ninja - نينجا app analytics for February 14

Ninja - نينجا

Ninja - نينجا

  • Ana Ninja
  • Google Play Store
  • Free
  • Food & Drink
Food. Groceries. And more, delivered in minutes! From your favorite takeout to daily essentials, Ninja is the fastest 24-hour restaurants and grocery delivery service you can count on at the price you want with the variety everyone’s looking for. Shop better. Eat better. Live better. Start off with a reward: Love gifts? Get FREE delivery on your first order! 5,000+ Restaurants: Order your favorite cuisine and treat yourself to our daily exclusive offers. 15,000+ products to choose from: From old favorites and household staples to new restaurants and items you never knew existed, we’ve got it all. And more! 24/7 deliveries: Whether you’re an early bird or night owl, our round-the-clock delivery service will give you what you want when you want it. Coffee, tea & more: Get your daily dose of caffeine delivered and choose from our refreshingly fresh juices, sodas and more. Follow your order from the get-go: Track it all from the source to your front door in real time. Faster than you can say Ninja: We have our very own riders who’ll deliver whatever you order in 30 minutes (or less). Tap into budget-friendly buys: We’ve got what you want at the price tag you love! Paying is a breeze: We accept all major debit and credit cards and various other payments depending on your location. Your favorite cuisines delivered in minutes 5,000+ restaurants choices Exclusive daily offers on what you crave One tap gets you the fastest delivery of grocery! Our diverse product range includes: Food & drink ✦ Beverages & refreshments: Coffees, teas, juices and a range of mineral water brands. ✦ Fresh foods & freshly baked: Fresh meats, poultry, fruits, veggies, bread and baked goods. ✦ Dairy & frozen foods: Milk, eggs, cheese, ice creams and frozen meals. ✦ Pantry supplies: Oil, flour, pasta, rice, grains and other culinary must-haves. ✦ Health-centric choices: Variety of nutritious and organic snacks, nuts, seeds and more. Home & you ✦ Baby things: Baby formula, food and care products plus diapers, wipes and more. ✦ Beauty Corner: Lenses, lashes, nails, perfumes and specialized skincare and makeup products. ✦ Home cleaning: Cleaning supplies, laundry products and other household staples. ✦ Personal care: Personal hygiene, skincare and wellness products. ✦ Lifestyle essentials: Electronics and mobile accessories, toys, stationary and other necessary knick knacks. ✦ Fitness center: Protein shakes and bars, gym gear, supplements and other essentials for gym bodies. ✦ Pet care: Nutritious food, toys, grooming products and more for dogs, cats and more. We’re anywhere you are Well, that’s the aim! Ninja launched in Saudi Arabia – covering the entire country - and has expanded its super fast grocery delivery services to Qatar, Bahrain and soon, the remaining GCC. The reason why we’re doing this? Like you, we like to get things done fast and right. And nothing beats getting delicious food and high-quality buys at lightning speed. Experience Ninja for yourself. Download the Ninja App now and get a FREE delivery on your first order!
Ninja - نينجا

Ninja - نينجا Usage Rank

The usage rank is based on Similarweb's algorithm that calculates current installs and active users over a 28-day period.

All Categories in
United States--
Food & Drink in
United States#705

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Analyze usage patterns of Ninja - نينجا users by viewing Ninja - نينجا downloads and daily active users over time.

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Ninja - نينجا Ranking Stats Over Time

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Ninja - نينجا Ranking by Country

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February 14, 2025