Scipione il bus a prenotazione app analytics for February 14

Scipione il bus a prenotazione

Scipione il bus a prenotazione

  • Apple App Store
  • Free
  • Navigation
“Scipione a bus to book” is the new ATV bus-on-call service. Choose the time you wish to travel together with the departure and arrival points inside the areas covered by the service. The App will immediately calculate the ideal route. When you confirm your booking one of the ATV on-call buses will receive a message of where you get on and get off, adapting its path to your requirements. The service can be booked from 15 days to 30 minutes before your departure and can be enjoyed at all the public transport stops. At present the service is only available in the area of the city of Legnago already served by lines A, B and C.
Scipione il bus a prenotazione

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February 14, 2025