ConveyLite против MyTag Использование & Stats

Designed to help support, configure and diagnose systems running on products from the ConveyLinx family of Ethernet conveyor controllers.
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A perfect App to track your valuables while on the move in tandem with our MyTAG Bluetooth Low Energy Beacons. If you have ever forgotten your Handbag at a Coffee Shop? Set your app to Away Mode and tag your asset it with MYTAG and your App will buzz your Smart Phone if you move too far away from it. You can set a short or long range alert depending on how close you want it to be to you. In case you still forgot it somewhere and don't remember where, just check the last known position on the in-built map in MYTAG App. If you are tired of waiting for your Luggage to arrive on the Baggage Belt? Tag your Luggage with MYTAG before checking it in and set your application to Approach Mode on arrival at your destination with the application in foreground. Wait comfortably near the belt and your Baggage will announce it's arrival by buzzing your Smart Phone when it arrives! It's that simple.
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ConveyLite VS.

декабрь 15, 2024