Dis-Chem app analytics for February 14



  • Apple App Store
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Here are some of the features you can enjoy while using the new Dis-Chem app: Dis-Chem DeliverD Introducing Dis-Chem DeliverD, Dis-Chem’s trial On Demand 60 minute delivery service only available on the Dis-Chem app! Message Centre All your push notifications and accouncements are shown in the new message centre, giving you access to alerts whenever you need them. Submit a Script It’s now even easier to get your medication and repeat prescriptions with the all new delivery option. Set Reminders You can set reminders for yourself or your family members within the app to ensure that you (and your family members) never miss a dose of your medication. Create shopping lists Keep all your Dis-Chem to-buys listed conveniently in the Dis-Chem app to make shopping even easier. Create shopping lists you can personalise, save and share. Dis-Chem Health We’ve partnered with Kaelo and Centriq Insurance to deliver health products that meet the needs of many South Africans, giving them peace of mind knowing their day-to-day health is in good hands. Virtual Dis-Chem Benefits Card We’ve digitized your Dis-Chem Benefits Card for you so that you always have it when you need it. With your virtual card you can earn points every time you purchase in-store, view points (and their rand value) and even give back to the community by donating your Dis-Chem points to the Dis-Chem Foundation. Bonus Cards An added benefit is our virtual bonus card which lets you earn rewards for purchasing the products you love. Our app features a sticker book that will be virtually stamped every time you purchase a promotional product from one of our Dis-Chem stores. Once you’ve earned enough stickers you can choose your FREE gift from the list of our bonus products in-store. The Dis-Chem app is free and available for anyone to use. Whether you’ve been a customer for a short while or a lifetime, you can enjoy the convenience of having your favourite pharmacy at your fingertips.

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February 14, 2025