Imperial Miners app analytics for February 15

Imperial Miners

Imperial Miners

  • Portal Games Digital
  • Google Play Store
  • Paid
  • Games > Cards
Imperial Miners is the official digital version of board game hit from Portal Games. It is a solo game and it has the leaderboards to compare your best results with others. In Imperial Miners you have 10 rounds to build your Mine as efficiently as possible. Your goal is to collect as many Crystals and full Carts as possible, which will count as Victory Points at the end of the game. You have 4 levels of mine and one card to place in each round. After placing card in your Mine you activate its effect and then effects of adjacent card on above level until your reach the Mine surface. Than you activate the action from the Surface board. Some of the actions gives you a chance to advance on the Progress boards where you can activate additional actions. In each round you have unique Event to resolve, some of them are good some are bad, so be prepared for the unknown. IMPORTANT INFO - READ BEFORE YOU BUY: If you use your phone to play, look at the screen shots available in the description on your target device before purchasing the game, to make sure that the size of the letters on the small screen will be sufficient for comfortable gaming.
Imperial Miners

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Games > Cards in
United States#45

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February 15, 2025