MyCraft Crafting Building Game app analytics for February 15

MyCraft Crafting Building Game

MyCraft Crafting Building Game

  • Loco Craftman Studio
  • Google Play Store
  • Free
  • Events
If You want to create a new world in this game and you will discuss the beauty of the world in this MyCraft Crafting Building Game, flowers, various trees spread out to form a biome with an exotic combination of nature, making it fun for you to play in this limitless voxel world. There are several villages in this game, you will discuss these populated villages, the residents can transact crops or livestock products. The residents in the village work as farmers, they usually grow wheat, and you can also farm by planting carrots, potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, corn, coffee, melons, pumpkins, cocoa, raspberries, blueberries, rhubarb, beans, grapes , barley , chili, flax, garlic, onion, pepper, pineapple, peas, beets, mint, cabbage, blackberries, lettuce, soybeans, vanilla, artichokes, parsley, sunflowers, whole grains, rice, asparagus, eggplant, spinach, strawberries, use a hoe and hit it on the ground to make the soil suitable for planting the seeds of these plants, don't forget to irrigate to keep your plants productive and harvestable. But be careful with plant pests that will attack your plants, such as rat. If you are already farming, you can also carry out hunting activities for various types of animals to supply meat for consumption, such as hunting bats, bears, birds, capybaras, crabs, crocodiles, crows, dogs, ducks, frogs, chickens, cows, sheep, wild boars. , rabbit , bee, kitten, panda, penguin, mouse. Feel the excitement of hunting and the art of survival in this game, please download this game for free and you are free to play it. Choose your tools and weapons for hunting and survival, for example for gardening, such as arrows, hoes for cultivating the land, axes for chopping, swords for fighting with herds of vicious monsters at MyCraft Crafting Building Game. The various types of trees that you can cut down and use to make buildings are pinetree, pinetree, junglewood, there are also rocks that are available in this game, namely sandstone brick, obsidian brick, stone brick, desert stone brick, obsidian block and many more . Feel free to build anything according to your wishes and imagination to be creative, happy playing with MyCraft Crafting Building Game.
MyCraft Crafting Building Game

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February 15, 2025