tvQuickActions Pro app analytics for February 14

tvQuickActions Pro

tvQuickActions Pro

  • tvDev
  • Google Play Store
  • Paid
  • Tools
tvQuickActions is a button/key mapper developed specially for TV devices. Supports Android TV, Google TV and AOSP on most devices. One of the main unique features allows you to assign up to 5 actions to the button of your remote and add a lot of useful functions to your device. Features: * Dock with apps like in macOS/iPadOS * Recent apps on any device (including kill all apps) * Custom menus with any actions * User ADB commands as actions * Mouse toggle on any remote * Sleep timer * Dialpad * Screen recording * Night mode (screen dimming) * Bluetooth manager * Media control panel * Quick change TV input * Auto framerate feature for Amlogic devices based on Android 9-11 * Support remapping Netflix button on Xiaomi and TiVo Stream 4K devices * Support remapping app buttons on Xiaomi Mi Stick 4K and other devices In addition, you can set actions on power on, sleep entering or exiting, create custom channels for Android TV home from menus and lock apps. So it looks like the most interesting mapper for TV devices. Even if you don't have a button you don't need, there is a button that is rarely used. And with a double click, you can perform its usual action. You can also choose from different actions: * Open the app or app’s activity * Shortcuts & intents * Keycode * Open power dialog * Go home * Open recent apps * Go to the previous app * Open the Voice Assistant (both voice or keyboard interaction) * Toggle WiFi * Toggle Bluetooth * Toggle Play/pause media * Fast forward/rewind * Next/previous track * Open media control panel (with play, pause, stop, next/previous track) * Take a screenshot (Android 9.0+) * Open a URL * Open settings IMPORTANT! The app uses AccessibilityService API to remap button (a basic requirement for remapping to work, It is needed so the app can listen to and block key events) and AutoFrameRate (it is needed to get views on screen and emulate presses to automatize mode selecting). IMPORTANT! Some actions may not work on your device. It depends on many factors such as your firmware, Android version etc. Please notify the developer if something goes wrong and refrain from giving the app a poor rating since the issue is often out of the developer's control.
tvQuickActions Pro

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February 14, 2025