Prayer Times - Qibla & Namaz app analytics for February 14

Prayer Times - Qibla & Namaz

Prayer Times - Qibla & Namaz

  • Dawat-e-Islami
  • Google Play Store
  • Free
  • Lifestyle
Namaz is the second most important pillar of Islam. It’s not just a random prayer but a systematic form of worship that allows a Muslim to forge a very strong connection with Allah. However, many Muslims aren’t able to perform this daily prayer at Azan time. One of the major reasons is that since there are fixed Islamic prayer times, many of us often miss the right prayer times due to our busy schedules. This is just one problem. Unfortunately, apart from the accurate namaz time, many of us don’t know the exact adhan time or Qibla direction, particularly when we’re in travel. Thanks to the unflinching commitment of the I.T. Department of Dawat-e-Islami, the amazing Muslim Prayer Times app has put an end to all of the above-mentioned hindrances to Salah. This incredible app not only tells you the daily salah time but also Friday prayer time and it does so according to your geographic location. Plus, it gives a full namaz time table which you can use to match daily namaz time with your hectic routine. Aside from that, there are Quran reading and Hajj guide options too. Read about the interesting features below and find out how this app makes one a better Muslim! Prominent features Prayer Timetable Users can find the right Islamic prayer times of the entire month by using this feature and inform others. Jama’at Silent Mode During Namaz time, this amazing feature automatically sends your mobile into silent mode. You may also set the silent duration manually. Prayer Timings Alert With this Muslim prayer times app, users will get a notification with the call of Azan when the Azan time starts for any salah. Location Through GPS, the app will detect your present location. You may add longitude and latitude to get the best salah time locally. Qibla Direction This Namaz application has a digital and reliable qibla finder, and it helps you find the right Qibla direction anywhere in the world. Qaza Namaz Users will be acknowledged about their qaza namaz from time to time, and they could keep their qaza namaz records maintained. Tasbih Counter Users could count their tasbihaat by having this amazing feature. This feature could be useful. Calendar The app offers both Islamic and Gregorian calendars to set your namaz time table. Users may also find their Islamic events accordingly. Multiple Languages Prayer times application contains multiple languages, so everyone could understand as per their native language. Different Jurisprudence Users may know about two different adhan time based on Hanafi and Shafai jurisprudence. This app contains separate lists for both. Recite Quran On the Prayer Times app, you could also read Quran with Quran Translation. This is recommended after each namaz or Friday prayer time. Hajj and Umrah App This is also a perfect Hajj app with details on the fundamentals on hajj and umrah for those planning a pilgrimage to Mecca. Newsfeed The newsfeed is a rich feature with unlimited media including articles and images related to Islamic learning. Available in multiple languages. Share Users may share this namaz app link on Twitter, WhatsApp, Facebook, and other social media platforms. We warmly welcome your suggestions and recommendations.
Prayer Times - Qibla & Namaz

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