Camera endoscope / OTG USB app analytics for February 14

Camera endoscope / OTG USB

Camera endoscope / OTG USB

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Endoscope camera app an app to connect with endoscope cam or any device like a USB camera or Borescope camera despatch, sewer inspection camera many devices use external cam like inspection camera sewer. How to use this app: endoscope camera firstly open the app and enter your endoscope camera USB into your phone, click the camera icon, click ok now, you can see the endoscope camera is working. take photos and record videos if you want to see his photos and videos go back to the first interface and click on the gallery now you can see all your photos Slide your finger to the left you can now see all the videos click n ' no matter who and choose your player always click and watch your video. now how to delete photo and video on endoscope app camera inside the gallery, long click image or video, you can see delete icon that's all. How does it work endoscope app? the endoscope app for android - endoscope camera open your external Borescope by USB OTG and read it the endoscope app need to use micro just to record video with sounds and need to use the gallery to write and read it pictures and videos In what you can use the endoscope camera device: the Borescope or endoscope has many things to do like in blocked drains you can see what inside You will not need camera drain unblocker or plumbing repair anymore. it works like a sewer camera * Check camera connected via OTG USB cable. * Easy Endoscope Camera Usb Otg
Camera endoscope / OTG USB

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Camera endoscope / OTG USB VS.

February 14, 2025