AmIGoingDown? - Fear of Flying app analytics for February 14

AmIGoingDown? - Fear of Flying

AmIGoingDown? - Fear of Flying

  • Vanilla Pixel Ltd
  • Apple App Store
  • Paid
  • Travel
The fear of flying app - Am I Going Down? is a flight risk calculator designed to reassure and empower anyone with a fear of flying. What are the odds of my plane crashing? Enter your flight details, and using real flight data, the app perfectly demonstrates the unlikelihood of your flight going down. How safe is your next flight? Crashes may make the headlines, but they’re incredibly rare, and when they do happen, seldom lead to injury. With those facts, there’s no need for nervous flyers to fall back on anything but the statistics. Am I Going Down? will tell you how and why you have only a millions-to-one chance of crashing, allowing you to fight fear with information. New York Times “In most cases a normal flight will give you a one in five million, or one in 10 million, chance of crashing, so that tends to reassure most people.” The Economist "[The app] wants to reassure nervous flyers that they are all but guaranteed to reach their destination in one piece." Daily Mail "'Am I Going Down?' app uses real flight statistics to analyse flight safety." Bustle "One of the only sources providing such in-depth coverage of safety statistics in the aviation world." Also featured in: CNN, Washington Post, Daily Telegraph, Quartz, Forbes, Newsweek, Gizmodo, Business Insider, Gadget Show, and many more! — Disclaimer: While "Am I Going Down?" is based on published flight and crash statistics to give an indication of flight safety, the app is intended for entertainment purposes only. The odds presented are an estimate of historical risk and not a prediction of future performance. If you have any questions please contact or follow @fearofflyingapp on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.
AmIGoingDown? - Fear of Flying

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