Face Shape Meter camera tool app analytics for February 14

Face Shape Meter camera tool

Face Shape Meter camera tool

  • VisTech.Projects LLC
  • Apple App Store
  • Paid
  • Lifestyle
Have you ever had a question "What is my face shape?". Here is the answer. FACE SHAPE METER is a simple and easy to use tool for identifying your face shape from your picture. Knowing your face shape can be useful in many different areas. It can be used for makeup and contouring, for finding “the right” haircut/hairstyle or shape of sunglasses that fit you well, or even for a wig or hat that suits you best. More info about the app: http://goo.gl/uooH28 Video Demo: https://youtu.be/Etcooc1ski8 To find out your face shape 3 simple steps needed: 1. take or upload a picture 2. outline your face with a contour as shown on screenshots 3. press the button and see your face shape result Tips for the best result: - use a picture with a neutral facial expression, where your head is directed straight to the camera. Turning your head might affect the final result. - make sure your hairline is visible.
Face Shape Meter camera tool

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February 14, 2025