BT Pay vs Pluxee使用状況と統計

Inregistreaza-te in aplicatia BT Pay, lansata de Banca Transilvania, completand urmatoarele informatii: numarul de telefon, data nasterii si detaliile cardurilor BT pe care le doresti sa fie incluse in aplicatie, in format digital, pentru a plati cu ele contactless. Pentru a utiliza aplicatia e nevoie ca in prealabil sa iti setezi o metoda de securitate pe telefon (pin, pattern, amprenta, etc.) Ce poti face cu aplicatia BT Pay? Multe: • Platesti cumparaturile cu telefonul alegand oricare dintre cardurile BT inscrise in aplicatie. E simplu, rapid si fara comision; • Trimiti bani catre cine doresti sau poti solicita sa ti se trimita bani cand ai nevoie. Tot ce trebuie sa stii pentru transfer este numarul de telefon al persoanei catre care/de la care este transferul de bani; • Poti transfera bani intre conturile cardurilor tale BT; • Poti vedea istoricul tranzactiilor cardurilor cuprinse in BT Pay si cati bani mai ai pe cardul BT. Daca ai si card de credit BT, poti afla inclusiv sumele lunare de plata si cate puncte de loialitate STAR ai acumulate, pentru a le folosi ulterior la alte cumparaturi. Totul, in timp real; • Primesti in exclusivitate oferte ale partenerilor STAR si ale BT. Bucura-te de experienta BT Pay!
  • Google Play ストア
  • 無料
  • ファイナンス


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Introducing the “Pluxee” app Discover a world of opportunities with the new Pluxee app! Get all your employee benefits on our easy-to-use and secure platform. Access your balance, and transactions, and find exciting new places around you. Let's go! Key Features: • Easy to Use, Secure, and Unified Experience: The "Pluxee" app offers a seamless and secure user experience. Get the best of Pluxee all on one app. • Real-Time Balance and Transactions: Real-time updates on your balances and transactions, anytime, anywhere. No more surprises - you'll always know where you stand. • Discover New Places: Get more of what really matters with the touch of a button. • Spend Smartly and Save More: Explore exciting offers and maximize your benefits to get more of what you want. Login to enjoy the Pluxee experience today: Download the "Pluxee" app and unlock a world of opportunities. Get the most out of your employee benefits and enjoy what truly matters. Your Opinion Matters: We value your feedback. Please rate and review the "Pluxee" app. Your input helps us enhance your experience and provide you with best-in-class services. Customer Care Support: For users from Austria, Luxembourg, Romania, Tunisia, and Germany, our dedicated customer care teams are ready to assist you please find the details below. Austria email Phone +43 1 328 60 60 Luxembourg email – Phone - +352 28 76 15 00 Romania email - Phone - +402120272727 Germany email - Phone - +49 69 73996 2222 Tunisia email – Phone - +21671188692
  • Google Play ストア
  • 無料
  • 食品 & 飲料


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BT Pay対Pluxeeランキング比較

と過去28日間の BT Pay ランキング傾向を比較 Pluxee

BT PayBT Pay#4,574


BT Pay 対 Pluxee 国の比較によるランキング

と過去28日間の BT Pay ランキング傾向を比較 Pluxee

業界別 ウェブサイトカテゴリー



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BT Pay VS.

2月 16, 2025