iLiturgia vs Rosarium Pro Usage & Stats
O iLiturgia é um aplicativo que possibilita rezar todas as horas canônicas da Liturgia das Horas pelo smartphone ou tablet, totalmente off-line.
Em co-edição com a Edições CNBB, traz os textos oficiais para a Igreja no Brasil da Liturgia das Horas e dos Lecionários, traduzidos pela CNBB e autorizados pela Santa Sé.
Veja as suas principais características:
- iLiturgia é todo off-line e o orante não precisa estar conectado à internet.
- É completo, contendo todos os ofícios canônicos: Ofício das Leituras, Laudes, Terça (9 horas), Sexta (12 horas), Nona (15 horas), Vésperas e Completas.
- No ofício é possível rezar as leituras do Ofício das Leituras, tanto para o ciclo anual como para o ciclo bienal, assim como o Evangelho do dia para a "lectio divina", principalmente nas Laudas e Vésperas.
- Inclui também todas as solenidades, festas e memórias, obrigatórias e facultativas, assim como todos os Comuns previstos na LH.
- Inclui as Coletas Salmódicas ao final da cada salmo e cântico.
- Todos os ofícios são montados de forma automática para ajudar o orante.
- Estão disponíveis também as catequeses dos papas São João Paulo II e Bento XVI sobre os Salmos e Cânticos das Laudes e Vésperas.
- Cânticos em português e latim.
- Disponibiliza também a liturgia diária com as leituras da Santa Missa, conforme os lecionários, além dos formulários, ordinário, prefácios e orações eucarísticas, conforme o Missal Romano.
- Adicionalmente disponibiliza ainda várias orações da Igreja, com destaque para o Santo Rosário.
Esperamos com este aplicativo ajudar, em nome do Senhor, na conversão dos irmãos em Cristo.
- Google Play ストア
- 有料
- 書籍 & 参考文献
This app was born from people who pray the Rosary every day and who love this prayer.
The strength of this app is therefore that of having been designed starting from the lived experience.
This app is:
- Open to any language and dialect
Thanks to its very flexible recording function, applicable to every single part of the Rosary, you can customize the audio with any language or dialect.
- Open to the voices of the heart
What makes this app special is the ability to quickly and easily record the voice of the people you love and hear them close in prayer, even when they are far away. Entries that can be imported / exported, organized and passed on to other people as well
- Open to your creativity
You can make this app unique and absolutely yours, by customizing images, colors, music. You can also choose the number of Hail Mary, whether to include the Hail, Holy Queen or the Litanies. In short, if you meet another person with the same app, they will not be able to say that their app is like yours.
- Open to your dreams
With this app you can pray with the background music you love. In addition to the default music, you can upload your favorite audios that will accompany you in your prayer. You can adjust the volume to your liking, listen to them one after the other in a playlist, rearrange their order ...
Here is a list of the features of this app:
In the free version:
- pray the Rosary in the 4 languages available;
- easily navigate to any point on the rosary;
- listen to the rosary even when the app is in the background;
- interact with the rosary with Apple Watch/Android wear and Car Play/Android auto;
- Look at the images of the Mystery to meditate on it
- Read the biblical texts of the mystery to pray better
Plus in the Premium version:
- alternate the recorded voice with yours, leaving the second part of the prayer silent;
- keep the Device always active in the forefront;
- save the voices of relatives (for all parts of the Rosary, including the mysteries), friends or whoever you want (in any language or dialect you want) and pray with their voice, even when they are not present, feeling closer to them;
- import already recorded items and organize them in the best possible way;
- take pictures or import them from the library and change the default images of both the mysteries and the Rosary;
- organize images, changing position or deleting them;
- put the Rosary in manual mode by choosing the mysteries that are not foreseen for the current day (in the case, for example, that it is after midnight and you still have to say the rosary of the day, or if you wish to pray the whole Rosary, or in any case more than one group of mysteries);
- play background music that accompanies you while you pray the rosary, also adjusting the volume;
- import personal music from your library and use it as background music;
- organize the various background music in playlists (choosing the music you want to listen to and the listening order) or let the single chosen music play in a single loop;
- delete music that you no longer wish to listen to;
- choose the color theme of the app with the possibility of dark mode;
- insert a vibration after the first, fifth, tenth Hail Mary, to know where you have reached in your Rosary without looking at the screen;
- choose whether or not to include the Hail, Holy Queen, the Litanies or the 'Oh, My Jesus' prayers in your Rosary;
- choose the number of Hail Mary (from 0 to 20) that you pray in a single mystery of your rosary;
- save, recover, re-initialize the app (for example, if you change Device, you can save all the elements you have loaded - voices, photos, music, various preferences - and reload them in the new Device);
Compatible with:
Android: 6 or higher
- Google Play ストア
- 無料
- 生産性
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iLiturgia対Rosarium Proランキング比較
と過去28日間の iLiturgia ランキング傾向を比較 Rosarium Pro
iLiturgia vs. Rosarium Pro ranking by country comparison
と過去28日間の iLiturgia ランキング傾向を比較 Rosarium Pro
業界別 ウェブサイトカテゴリー
書籍 & 参考文献
iLiturgia VS.
Rosarium Pro
11月 26, 2024