Magasins Aziza app analytics for February 14

Magasins Aziza

Magasins Aziza

  • Google Play Store
  • Free
  • Shopping
Download the AZIZA app and stay up to date with promotions and new products. Find stores in your area in seconds and see product availability arrived in real time. Create your shopping list so you can remember it during your visit, every day at low prices! Use the AZIZA app quickly and easily on your phone now, with this app you can: * Consult current AZIZA offers: be informed of all current promotions in your Aziza stores. * Check availability: in real time you will be able to know the availability of incoming items in the store of your choice, so you don't miss a good opportunity. * List your favorite products: Easily use our shopping list tool to create your list of must-have items and remember them during your visit. * Search and locate stores nearby: find the AZIZA stores closest to you with the address and access map.
Magasins Aziza

Magasins Aziza Usage Rank

The usage rank is based on Similarweb's algorithm that calculates current installs and active users over a 28-day period.

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Analyze usage patterns of Magasins Aziza users by viewing Magasins Aziza downloads and daily active users over time.

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Magasins Aziza Ranking Stats Over Time

Similarweb's Usage Rank & Google Play Store Rank for Magasins Aziza


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Magasins Aziza Ranking by Country

Counties in which Magasins Aziza has the highest ranking in its main categories

Users Interests & Top Categories

Top categories and apps used by Magasins Aziza users

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Top Competitors & Alternative Apps

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February 14, 2025