StockTiles - Prices & Charts app analytics for February 14

StockTiles - Prices & Charts

StockTiles - Prices & Charts

  • Tobias Goerke
  • Google Play Store
  • Paid
  • Finance
StockTiles provides Tiles that let you view charts and prices of all the stock assets you are interested in directly on your Wear OS watch. Tiles are quick to open and not as heavyweight as applications, allowing you to check your favorite assets in a matter of seconds. The app features two tiles: The chart tile displaying candlestick- or linecharts. You may toggle your tickers by tapping the display center. Change the displayed time frame by tapping the tile's left side. The overview tile features a summary of all your assets. If you have input the amount of shares you own the total sum of your assets will as well be shown here. Tap the screen to cycle through all your assets. In addition to tiles, the app features so-called complications, which enable you to show a selected asset and/or your total assets' value directly on your watchface. Choose freely which tickers you'd like to display by adding them in the app's menu. Additionally, you may add the amount of shares you own to have the total worth of your assets shown. You may as well configure how your charts are displayed (i.e. line or candlechart, scales etc.) The app uses the Yahoo Finance API and thus allows you to add all assets listed there. Please refer to when looking for ticker names usable for input. Also, the app uses the option to use the ExchangeRate-API ( to convert prices to the currency of your choice. I'll gladly take any feedback, bug reports and feature requests you have. Just send me a mail at and we'll be in touch. Also check out the CryptoTiles app for managing your favorite Cryptocurrencies.
StockTiles - Prices & Charts

StockTiles - Prices & Charts Usage Rank

The usage rank is based on Similarweb's algorithm that calculates current installs and active users over a 28-day period.

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February 14, 2025