European Birds Songs & Calls app analytics for February 15

European Birds Songs & Calls

European Birds Songs & Calls

  • EcoSystem
  • Google Play Store
  • Free
  • Education
Professional sound collection for 515 bird species inhabiting Europe - from the Atlantic Ocean to the Urals, and from the Arctic Ocean to the Mediterranean Sea. The list of bird species included in the app can be viewed at TERRITORY OF USE The application covers most of the territory of Europe and can be successfully used in the most part of Northern, Western, Central, Southern and Eastern Europe, including Scandinavia, Baltic States, France, Spain, Balkan countries, Transcaucasia, Northern Kazakhstan and other adjacent territories. 20 EUROPEAN LANGUAGES The app composed on 20 European languages, including English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Hellenic and others. The user can choose any of these languages. BIRDS CALLS For each of the 515 bird species, the app provides one combined recording, including male songs and several most typical calls – alarm, aggression, interaction, contact and flight calls, etc. Each of the recordings can be played in four different ways: 1) once, 2) in a loop without interval, 3) in a loop with an interval of 10 seconds, 4) in a loop with an interval of 20 seconds. PHOTOS AND DESCRIPTIONS For each species, a several photos of the bird in nature (male, female or immature, bird in flight), distribution maps and eggs are given, as well as a text description of the appearance, behavior, features of reproduction and feeding, distribution and migrations. VOICE IDENTIFIER The application has a built-in polytomic bird Voice Identifier (Identification Filter), which helps to determine the unknown bird by its appearance and voice. You can select the geographical region, the size of the bird, the location of the singing bird, the type of sound signal, and the time of a day. The Identifier will help you to narrow down the range of species for unknown bird. QUIZ The app has a built-in Quiz, which can train you to recognize birds by their voices and appearance. You can play the quiz repeatedly – the questions for recognizing species alternate in random order and are never repeated! The difficulty of the Quiz can be adjusted – change the number of questions, change the number of answers to choose from, turn on and off bird images. IN-APP PURCHASES The main functions of the application are free - for each species of bird, you can view its image and text description and add species to Favorites (these functions are available offline), as well as play a recording of its voice (if you have an Internet connection and no more than 1 time per minute). Paid functions allow unlimited use of the Identification Filter and Quiz, open access to additional color images, and also make it possible to play all recordings of bird voices offline. You can purchase access to all bird species (the "All Birds" group, $12.00), as well as to any geographical ($7.00) or systematic ($2.50) group of birds. THE VOICES OF BIRDS CAN BE PLAYED IN NATURE! In the presence of the Internet, the voices of birds can be played directly in nature. After paying for in-app purchases, all functions can be used offline, including in the areas without the Internet - on ornithological excursions, walks in the country, on expeditions, hunting or fishing. THE APPLICATION CAN BE TRANSFERRED TO THE MEMORY CARD (after installation). THE APPLICATION IS DESIGNED FOR: * birdwatchers and professional ornithologists; * university students and faculty at on-site seminars; * teachers of secondary schools and additional (out-of school) education; * forestry workers and hunters; * employees of nature reserves, national parks and other nature protected areas; * songbird lovers; * tourists, campers and nature guides; * parents with their children and summer residents; * all other nature lovers. This is an indispensable reference and educational resource for amateur ornithologists (birdwatchers), schoolchildren, students, teachers, parents, and all nature lovers!
European Birds Songs & Calls

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February 15, 2025