TRT Plus is your toolkit to help optimize your testosterone replacement therapy protocol.
• My Protocol - tracks your protocol and estimated variance in testosterone levels, using advanced pharmacokinetic models.
• Rotation Reminders - plans your injection site rotation alongside your protocol to ensure even rotation between sites.
• Biomarker Score - a TRT trained AI model that's been fine tuned in modern TRT best practices analyses your bloodwork using 'enhanced' reference ranges to provide an overall health score and personalised recommendations.
• The Testimator - interprets your individual response to testosterone, helping you dial-in to an optimal range of testosterone levels in your bloodwork.
• Muscle Building Potential - assesses your potential for gaining muscle based on key hormonal markers.
• Responder Type - assesses your protocol and testosterone levels to determine if you are a normal, low, hyper, super or non-responder.
• T:E Ratio - determines whether your testosterone-to-estradiol ratio is balanced, androgenic, or estrogenic.
• T:SHBG Ratio - assesses if your testosterone levels are optimized, too high, or too low in relation to SHBG.
• AI analysis and comprehensive report for all key blood markers related to TRT.
• Calculate your growth hormone production in iu per day, estimated from IGF-1 levels.
• Convert between international units for Testosterone, Estradiol, Free T, HDL, HbA1c and IGF-1.
• Extensive built in e-book information on testosterone esters and metabolism, explanation of key blood markers, free t, peak to trough fluctuation, injection best practices and much more.
• Free Testosterone Calculator - calculates testosterone fractions bound to SHBG, Albumin, and as Free T.
• Support for TRT ancillaries such as GH, hCG and peptides (iu, mcg).
• Support for all international testosterone measurement units including ng/dL, nmol/L, pg/mL, and pmol/L.
• Info screens throughout the app to explain what to enter where, and outline the methodology, cited studies, pharmacokinetic equations, and calculations used.
• One tap to share your protocol or bloodwork to friends, socials, email, etc.
• Saves your protocol and latest bloodwork, so it is always available in the app.
• No Ads, no Sign-ups, no Subscriptions.