Schedule & homework - Weeklie app analytics for February 14

Schedule & homework - Weeklie

Schedule & homework - Weeklie

  • Alexander Kirsch
  • Google Play Store
  • Free
  • Education
Tired of writing down the schedule in notebooks and forgetting about your homework? Want to improve your academic performance and become more organised? Weeklie is here to help you! With our app you will be able to: 🗓 Have your timetable always at hand ✏ Organise & plan your homework 🔔 Receive reminders about your lessons and homework 📌 Use alternate weeks, for example, A / B 💬 Share the schedule with your friends To achieve the best results in your college or school study life, it is very important to be organised, keep track of all the assignments and classes. This app was created specifically for students who study at school or college and have a schedule with recurring or alternating weeks and automatically displays the timetable for the following weeks. You just fill your schedule into the planner once and the app will do the rest for you! Weeklie Timetable supports up to 4 repetitive weeks. All you have to do is select the needed amount of repetitive weeks, feel in the study planner for them and select your current week number. From now on Weeklie will automatically display the correct week on the main screen and repeat it with a selected time period. You can easily track all of your homework within the app. You can keep track of the already completed task or task that should still be done. You can even attach some photos or create reminders so you will never forget to finish your assignment in time. Our Weeklie planner allows you to share the already filled in timetable with your friends just in a few clicks. You just share newly generated code with other students and they will have your schedule on their devices in less than a minute. If you have any questions or suggestions on how to improve an app, we will be glad to hear from you! Contact us via our website:
Schedule & homework - Weeklie

Schedule & homework - Weeklie Usage Rank

The usage rank is based on Similarweb's algorithm that calculates current installs and active users over a 28-day period.

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February 14, 2025