TV5MONDEplus, streaming app analytics for February 14

TV5MONDEplus, streaming

TV5MONDEplus, streaming

  • Google Play Store
  • Free
  • Entertainment
The best French-language content from all 4 corners of the world streaming free* and unlimited, anywhere in the world**. Enjoy our catalogue everywhere, all the time: on your smartphone, computer, tablet and TV. + More than 7,000 hours of programmes available free of charge! TV5MONDEplus is the ultimate platform for French speakers, learners, teachers, the curious and everyone who loves the French language. 🤩 What you'll discover: • cinema in all its forms: classics, comedy, drama, thrillers, action, adventure, horror, detective films, science fiction, fantasy, short films, animation... • documentaries and reports to help you understand our planet, our lifestyles and our society • Canadian, Swiss, Belgian and French TV series and films to binge on... • children's programmes: cartoons, shows, educational content, etc. • programmes to learn or perfect your French • programmes from our partner channels: France Télévisions, Arte, RTS, RTBF, Radio Canada, Télé Québec, TV5-Québec Canada • TV5MONDE productions (news magazines such as "Collection reportages") • African programmes with previews of series exclusive to TV5MONDEplus (Wara, Coloré, Allô Tribunal, Les secrets de l'amour, Un homme à marier, Ici c'Babi...) • programmes from our partner channels: Collège de France, UNESCO, MAMCO Geneva, Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle... • exclusive web series (Damoiselle, Afropolitaine, Pourquoi on se bat, Parlons peu parlons bien...) • a range of podcasts to learn even more about the issues facing our society • concerts, shows and games for even more entertainment 💬 FRENCH-LANGUAGE PROGRAMMES, ACCESSIBLE TO ALL Our programmes are exclusively in French and subtitled in 6 languages: French, English, Spanish, German, Arabic and Romanian. The application interface is also available in these 6 languages. YOUR PROGRAMMES AVAILABLE EVERYWHERE, ALL THE TIME The TV5MONDEplus application is available on computer, mobile, tablet and smart TV. You can also stream programmes to your TV via Chromecast. ⭐ YOUR SPACE Create your account to enjoy an enriched experience: • discover a catalogue of programmes reserved exclusively for logged in members • pick up where you left off with multi-screen resume playback • create a watch list of your favourite programmes • save data on your package by downloading a selection of content to your mobile phone for offline access whenever you want, wherever you want • get tailored recommendations ❔ HELP You have a question or a suggestion? Contact us directly on the site via the "Help" button or send us an email at For legal reasons, the rights to certain videos are geo-restricted. TV5MONDEplus is available in 214 countries, but the videos available may vary from country to country. 👇 FOLLOW US Facebook: Twitter: YouTube: Instagram: TikTok: OUR OTHER OFFERS Are you learning French or teaching it? Check out our free "Apprendre" application. For legal reasons, the content available on TV5MONDEplus may vary from country to country. Some of the content mentioned here may not be available in your country. * Excluding the cost of internet data **Excluding China and the Netherlands, accessible in the USA for TV5MONDE subscribers. Available in Canada via
TV5MONDEplus, streaming

TV5MONDEplus, streaming Usage Rank

The usage rank is based on Similarweb's algorithm that calculates current installs and active users over a 28-day period.

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TV5MONDEplus, streaming Ranking Stats Over Time

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TV5MONDEplus, streaming Ranking by Country

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Top Competitors & Alternative Apps

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TV5MONDEplus, streaming VS.

February 14, 2025