PC Optimum app analytics for February 14

PC Optimum

PC Optimum

  • Loblaw Companies Limited
  • Apple App Store
  • Free
  • Shopping
The rewards program unlike any other. With exclusive events and offers based on the items you buy most, the PC Optimum program is tailored specifically to you. And the more you use the program the better it gets – and the more free stuff you get. Load offers, earn and redeem points and manage your account all through the convenience of the PC Optimum app. IMPORTANT DISCLOSURES AND CONSENT In order to understand current and future consumer interests and to improve or develop new products, services, programs, promotions, contests or events, President’s Choice Services Inc. may track and analyze your use of the application, including offers viewed, opt-out preferences, click-throughs and other use of features. We may collect personal information and non-personal information electronically, directly from you or through third parties. For instance, we may access personal information about you when you share information about yourself on social media networks and also when you interact with us electronically such as through our information technology systems, websites, email, mobile applications, social media properties or online advertising. If you choose to download or use this application (“app”), we may receive personal information and non-personal information about your current location and about your mobile device, tablet, or browser, such as a unique identifier for your device. Most devices, tablets and browsers allow you to turn off the tracking of your location. However, if you do so, you may not be able to use some of the app features. PC Optimum Support https://www.pcoptimum.ca/help-and-support/faq
PC Optimum

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The Store Rank is based on multiple parameters set by Google and Apple.

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February 14, 2025