Tingalin (Çifteli and Lahuta) app analytics for February 14

Tingalin (Çifteli and Lahuta)

Tingalin (Çifteli and Lahuta)

  • Tingalin, LLC
  • Apple App Store
  • Free
  • Music
Tingalin - an exciting music app that lets you explore the captivating sounds of two popular Albanian lutes: the Çifteli and Lahuta! The Çifteli is a wooden instrument with a long thin handle and a pear-shaped sound bowl. The first string is used to play the notes while the seconds strings acts as a backup harmonic tune. The Lahuta consists of a bowl covered in lamb skin, a finely crafted neck, and a sole string made of horsehair. Sound is generated by drawing a bow across the string. The skilled manipulation of the bow, combined with finger-work and ornamentations, allows for a wide range of melodic expression. Whether you're a music lover, an aspiring musician, or simply curious about different musical traditions, Tingalin is the perfect app for you. It's educational, easy to use, and incredibly fun. Start your musical journey today with Tingalin and unlock the captivating world of Albanian music!
Tingalin (Çifteli and Lahuta)

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