CDisplayEx Comic Reader app analytics for February 14

CDisplayEx Comic Reader

CDisplayEx Comic Reader

  • Progdigy Software
  • Google Play Store
  • Paid
  • Comics
CDisplayEx is a light, efficient CBR Reader, and it is also the most popular comic book reader. It is able to read all comic book formats (.cbr file, .cbz, .pdf, etc..) and Manga. Everything is designed to give you the best reading experience, it load comic books immediately, reading is fluid and comfortable. Please note that access to Google Drive requires the application to pass a CASA Level 3 Assessment. The cost of this certification no longer allows access to Google Drive. The link will remain available until June 15 for those who are not already blocked. After this date, access to Google Drive will be removed from the application. Benefits of the Pro version: - Access to Onedrive, Dropbox, Komga, Kavita, Mega. - Continuous pages, horizontal and vertical. - Advanced page scaling options that allow you to pre-set the number of moves to reach the opposite edge of the page. - Open the files on the network without downloading them entirely (samba). - Image export function. - Support for bookmarks. - S-Pen support. - Night mode. - Change the interface language. - No ads. You can simply browse through your folders to find and read your comics, but if you need, the management of your library is integrated! simply indicate where your comics are, and the reader will group the comics by series or offer you the next album to read in your collection. An integrated search will allow you to find a volume instantly. The reader also allows you to connect to network shares, preload files on your phone or tablet, and perform searches.
CDisplayEx Comic Reader

CDisplayEx Comic Reader Usage Rank

The usage rank is based on Similarweb's algorithm that calculates current installs and active users over a 28-day period.

All Categories in
United States#110
Comics in
United States#1

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CDisplayEx Comic Reader Ranking Stats Over Time

Similarweb's Usage Rank & Google Play Store Rank for CDisplayEx Comic Reader

Usage Rank
Store Rank


CDisplayEx Comic Reader Ranking by Country

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Users Interests & Top Categories

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February 14, 2025